Thursday, January 4, 2007

Last Ride Forever

It was their first ride together
Her slender arms around his tough waist
This close he hoped they’d be forever
Happiness, his heart, filled in haste
Adrenaline rushed through his coarse veins
The sun beat down in joyous rage.

Naught to sixty in less than a minute
He zipped around the curving streets
Going well beyond the freedom limit
Too sharp was the turn; he had to concede
Skidding. She went down timid
The white haze compelled to accept defeat.

He lay sprawled on the sun-caked road
In an instant things had gone awry
Pain filled every cavity like a load
Like a baby’s, his eyes went teary
One movement and break he would
Oh God! He felt so, so sorry.

Along came a truck loaded heavy
The sun screamed right at him; his way lay bare
Negotiated the turn rather shoddily
Caught in a daze he hurried on
Crack went something under the wrong wheel
All agony ended; right then, right there.

The concrete was wet and coloured red
Richness oozed from a watermelon burst
Scattered shell and seed and flesh
A rhombus eye writhed by cursed
Hair yesterday, gone today
No more would mind or body sway.

Smell of food touches hungry bellies
Flies and insects throng in throes
Such feasting rare, eat more and more
A canine rallies, with head cast low
Paying tributes to a master no more
On this road; which will forever sing his lore.

1 comment:

Maaz bin Bilal said...

Very evocative! Could see the scene enacted in front of my eyes. Also, I like the choice of words, in their variety and phonetically how some roll on the tongue.