Saturday, May 1, 2010

Of crushes and petit amours

I need a bigger drive. Or a penseive. My memory may be leaking, or it may be blocking some things out and overwriting many others. I had to jog it today (quite literally, at 9.2km/h) to reveal a 9-year old turn of events. Nothing catastrophic, thankfully, that did not alter the course of my life (at least not adversely). But it sure got me thinking about the function of memory in the narrative of our lives. There we were navpurush and I recounting moments and incidents, desires and aspirations over glasses of cold coffee (or in my case sparkling water with green apple flavour). It is incredible to witness thoughts spilling out in conversation. Somehow time and distance make memories more palatable, not to mention enjoyable.

That's what I'd like to do on no work, or out-of-work Friday afternoons. String together lost or forgotten bits of information.

Or may be I'm just growing old.

P.S. Sometimes there are records (as Anne Frank would have you know) to hasten the "it's all coming back to me" moment. Round 1 to you, mister.

1 comment:

Amit said...

not adversely?? this is adverse on so many levels...the "pattern" is there for a reason...