Saturday, May 19, 2007


Caliban, Caliban; wherefore arte thou?
tu me manque
I see you everyday
you make eyes at me
and I should feel afraid
I should detest your look
I really should
stay away?

I see you when you're not looking
when the moon is too high
and you wield your stick
I can see the sweat on your bare back
the deliberate movement of your hands

I see you everyday when you see me too
and you make eyes at me
I shouldn't turn back to look at you
and I don't
yet I can see you looking at me

I can see you when you're not there
you, the freckled whelp, born of a hag
you, who dishonour the human shape
you, with your knotty trails
which tremble me in my sleep

I can see you when they think you have disappeared
into the bowels beneath
I see you again and again
without averting my eyes in disgust
and no despair

but he has seen you too
you filthy abhorred slave
you hag dependant on our mercy
you, on the street
never supposed to be seen


And I see your cold countenance
turning glazy
I see the sweat freeze
I see your eyes still on me
and I'm afarid

I see you though you've gone
I sense your eyes follow me
everywhere behind my back
all that's left of you now
And I finally see thw flame turn to smoke.

15/4/07 1.00AM
Eve of the Shakespeare paper