Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wings of Victory

Once in the bright red sun,

Soared a gull from its fun

Of a joyful dream,

Where this gull, in nature,

Soared way above his stature,

Being the best of flight around and found,

That he was best left to sleep,

For fishing around in the deep

Was not his way, but of the others,

Who cared, loved and abandoned him.

He found himself

On hard, cold earth,

His way of life reinstated,

For on this very hard, cold earth

He found what he most wanted.

This gull, though famous

For his dismissal from the flock,

Returned in the morning to the dock,

Where nestled were the others,

Who cared, loved and abandoned him.

Another day, another try,

To what most gulls call “revolting”,

To find for himself a life of flying.

Than for fish, bolting.

Aiming for perfection

Was what he wanted most,

His thirst for the knowledge of flight,

And to prove to those

Who banished him forever,

That there was much beyond the food.

So this seagull

Abandoning all pretence

For the dull, routine life of a gull

Proved in the end, to them

That perfection comes to those

Who have the will to learn.

----------Arunjit Singh

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